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Re: pinion seal

To: MikeC <mikech@sprynet.com>
Subject: Re: pinion seal
From: Alan Lemen <alemen@ftconnect.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:23:11 -0800
Mike, I did this a while back ( you could search the archives to see the
various great responses), but I ended up marking for alignment and using
that method to redo the nut to the correct location so that I would not
over tighten due to the collapsable spacer. Just get a really long
wrench to get the torque and a really good bit of steel for a bar on the
flange. I did it with the diff on the car and the car on axle stands.
Also I needed to get a 1 1/8 socket. Old oil seal was a pain to get out.
Destroyed it in the process and sent it flying when it came out.  New
one just taps in, then just tighten to the right point. Mine was 11


MikeC wrote:

> Are there any special tricks to replacing the pinion seal on the
> differential?  I'm sick of the little smelly puddles in the garage.
> MikeC

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