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Re: Gas prices

To: "Nick Moseley" <nmoseley@comsavings.com>,
Subject: Re: Gas prices
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:40:58 -0800
I'm sorry that your gas prices are so high-so why not a boycott to get rid
of government taxes on it?

A friend of mine just got back from visiting family in Italy and said yeah,
gas is high-but rent is half of what it is here, auto insurance is cheaper
and health insurance? (I pay $250 a month in health insurance alone!)

Life is full of trade offs, eh?

Right now, the road in front of my house has been torn and re-torn because
they're working on the water system (for 5 months now and it still gives
diarhea!)-but, the thing is-all the tax on the gas we're paying-and they're
not fixing a busy street that is getting pretty unacceptable! (I guess this
neighbourhood isn't snooty enough for road repair! But, I fill my tank the
same as the wealthy down the road-and isn't road repair supposed to be what
part of the taxes on gas go to-in theory?)

There was a state assemblyman up in Ventura who was at a gas station last
Friday giving people back the almost 40 cents a gal. they pay in state and
fed tax on gas-in a time of budget surplus!

Anyway-just because in other countries, they pay so much tax on their gas,
driving up the price-does that mean that WE in the U.S. should be glad? The
phone company rips us off (it's cheaper for me to call local toll on my cell
phone-free minutes!-and I live in one fo the new area codes-it costs to call
4miles away!); we get ripped off on auto insurance; car registration (that
has gone up on my car from $35 to $160 I paid last year-my income hasn't had
that sort of jump!-though everything else has!); health insurance-we should
be happy about getting ripped off on gas prices too-because we're not
getting ripped off as much as Canadians or Brits or Italians? That just
doesn't 'fly' with me-as the kids say! At least if I were living in Italy,
my cost of living would be lower and I wouldn't have to worry about getting
a prescription refilled!

The point is-we are getting ripped off!

Laura G. (Wiping the foam off my mouth!)

Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!
----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Moseley <nmoseley@comsavings.com>
To: Spitfires (E-mail) <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 1:36 PM
Subject: Gas prices

> The station across the street from my office is 70.9 cents per litre, at
> 4.54 litres to a gallon equals $3.21 per gallon.
> Now tell me again, how bad even $2.20 per gallon would be. I'm in BC,
> apparently its as high as 80 cents/litre in Toronto ($3.63/gallon). I may
> using Imperial as opposed to US gallons, but it still hurts!
> Why am I still smiling? Because in less than a month, I'll be driving my
> Spit again. (Just waiting for monsoons over here on the Wet Coast of
> to abate). The VOLVO is safe, easy to drive because I don't have to pay
> attention to the traffic around me, (according to list consensus anyway!)
> but just isn't the same.
> Nick Moseley
> Manager, Training and Development
> Community Savings
> 76 and two 78 Spits
> 2 Volvos
> 1 BMW

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