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Re: moaners

To: <SJagGo@aol.com>, <bethken@erols.com>, <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: moaners
From: "Patrick Bowen" <pabowen@mediaone.net>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 19:21:10 -0500
While we all appreciate and understand the fact that BIG suppliers are what
makes this industry run (as in any)  I truly am beginning to wonder if TRF
fits into that picture.  They have a big name, but I know more people that
don't/won't order from them than do.  And almost exclusively order from Ted
Schumacher, spitbits, and British Parts Northwest and the like.

While no body argues the difficulty of running a business, it is the
customers that decide if the business is worth it.  Customers do not care
how many W2s and 1099s you had to fill out, they want their parts, at a good
price, on time, and preferably with some quality customer service.  It is
these qualities that are lacking with TRF.  I have had trouble with every
single order I have ever placed with TRF.  and all the items I have bought
(if they ever come) arrive in zip lock bags with a typed label, and that is
only after waiting at least two months or more.  I can order from others and
receive them immediately in original factory boxes.

My question is, why can the supposed small guy do this but not the big
conglomerate?  Again,has to do with the quality of the operation and where
their priorities are.  Seems to me TRF stretched itself way too thin on
creating the Coventry inn and other sideline enterprises and lost its
ability to serve in its main function.

While I appreciate Noble wonderful causes, supporting someone that is not
able to manage his stock and because I think he is a nice guy doesn't cut
it.  Go to a GM board meeting and see if they think their customers would
understand cars and parts being constantly on back order.  They would go
bust instantly (by the way, they file more W2s and 1099s than TRF)

I refuse to deal with any company that is not intouch with what I need.  TRF
seems to be Mr Runyons hobby that might (or might not) pay some bills, but
does not provide me with the customer service to win my loyalty.

I obtain the same joy, more often with the right parts, that I get on time
from other suppliers.

Patrick Bowen

----- Original Message -----
From: <SJagGo@aol.com>
To: <bethken@erols.com>; <triumphs@autox.team.net>;
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: moaners

> Greetings Ken,
> Again, I ask the question.  How many W2's and 1099's did you send out last
> month?
> If you had, you would see the logic.  If you think money is the source
> motivation for all action, then none of us should spend any time with our
> TR's; they will never return a monetary gain for all the time and parts we
> place into them.  We do it because we obtain pleasure from a job well
> and the sensual pleasure of the actual drive.  It's also a pleasure to
> fellow enthusiasts with whom we share a common bond.  Not all employers
> out there to scrape every dime and nickel from their workers.  There are
> people who have the talent to provide work for those unable to do so
> themselves and believe me many of them take their responsibilities
>  Even Scrooge saw the light.  God bless us every one!
> Bill Brockschmidt
> Springfield, IL
> PS  Hey Joe-  Is Tiny Tim named after the Dickens character or Herbert
> (aka Tiptoethruthetulips-Tiny Tim)?

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