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RE: CRASH!-'79 Spit parts car for sale

To: "'Winnie Olmer'" <who@sover.net>,
Subject: RE: CRASH!-'79 Spit parts car for sale
From: "Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 15:57:00 -0800
There's something about British cars that makes me feel safe in them.  I
know they don't "look safe" but I think I'm living proof.  The "second time"
my 1970 MGB was totaled it was shoved under the back end of a BIG Buick by a
HUGE truck as it ran over the top of my car from behind.  I got out of the
tangled mess with not a scratch, or bruise, or even a broken fingernail!
Can't say that for the truck driver though after I pounded the S#%T out of
him (it's amazing what adrenaline can do for you!)!  Oh yes, the car was put
back together and driven for a few more years after that.

'79 Spitfire (original owner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Winnie Olmer [mailto:who@sover.net]
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 10:44 AM
To: 'Graham Stretch'
Cc: 'List Spitfires'; 'List Triumph'
Subject: RE: CRASH!-'79 Spit parts car for sale

Thanks for the sentiments. Hopefully someone picks up whats left of the Spit
and can give it a second life in another car. It's a strange feeling to not
really bum out about losing the Spit. While I wish I still had it..
especially so close to Spring... I am simply so thankful to have come out of
it OK that I'm counting my blessings. It makes me "weak in the knees" to
look at how caved in the driver door and windshield are. I have no idea how
I came out with a few cuts and a badly bruised side. Just bruises! I dont
get it! The "Triumph Gods" wanted me to finish the TR6. It's not my time
yet. When I can figure out how to get a picture of it on line it would be
very sobering to others to take a look. My lesson learned is.. drive with my
lights on at all times!! Just like motorcyclists do to be more visible. In
all my cars actually. Especially with all the "cell phone while you drive"
drivers out there. Maybe I'll paint the 6 dayglow tie-dye. Austin Powers

Take care

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