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Re: CRASH!-Crazy drivers

To: Laura.G@141.com
Subject: Re: CRASH!-Crazy drivers
From: AandHVentures@aol.com
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 22:46:23 EST
I agree, it's best in situations like this to err on the side of caution.  I 
was driving home from work one evening, 6:30 PM, still sunny.  I was in the 
slow lane on I-465, when some dufus cut in front of me big time.  I slammed 
on the brakes, & felt the back end start to come loose.  After I looked up, I 
tooted the horn (tooted being the important part; not laid on it).  The 
driver in front of me then proceeded to hold up a gun.  I let my foot off of 
the gas, & let him go.  Better to see another day.

Andy H.

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