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'In the wars' again.

To: "Spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, "NASS" <nass@egroups.com>
Subject: 'In the wars' again.
From: "Suzie" <suzie_bear@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 17:16:00 -0000
I finally managed to catch up on what's been happening to Baby Blue in my
absence. Didn't get the full story as the friend who's been looking after
her is at sea now but I got the basic story from his wife.

He was just driving from his home to the hanger where she was to be stored
last autumn when a taxi drove into the side of her. It was lucky in a way
that it was a taxi as there wasn't any quibbling over getting the work done
on their insurance. They did specify a garage but it turned out to be the
one it had just come from a couple of weeks earlier after having the
vandalism repaired. They knew the car and how particular I was so they did a
good job (I'm told, still haven't seen the car as with Roger away I can't
get into the base to check her out).

I called in at the garage and was told that the only damage had been to the
driver's door. They said it could have been repaired but, knowing how much
it means to me they replaced the door skin, even tried to replace the whole
door as the job was a full insurance one but was told they were
unobtainable. I'm told you'd never know it had happened to look at it, I
hope so.

I still don't know if Roger's managed to replace the clutch slave cylinder
that went on me last year, his wife didn't know, but the guy at the garage
said they didn't notice any clutch problems so I'm just hoping that has been

Poor car, not having much luck lately.

'68 Mk III

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