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Re: Gearbox cover woes -- latest wrinkle

To: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>,
Subject: Re: Gearbox cover woes -- latest wrinkle
From: "Patrick Bowen" <pabowen@mediaone.net>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 21:19:28 -0500
Jeff, have you tried engaging first without the cover on, what did it do.
Did it work?  Just trying to help eliminate problems.  If it doesn't work
with the top off then you know it is not the top causing the problem.  I am
sure driving it tor or three feet will not be enough to cause any problems
with the top off.

Patrick Bowen
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com>
To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 6:13 PM
Subject: Gearbox cover woes -- latest wrinkle

> Well, I've been at it all day...  And I came close -- but no cigar.  It
> seems that the Mk3 cover that I'm trying to fit to my Mk2 gearbox is just
> out of tolerance enough (either that, or a component of my gearbox is) to
> allow first gear to engage with the cover on -- but not the cover is
> down.  Aligning the cover a few thousandths of an inch or whatever so that
> can bolt it down is *just enough* to throw something out of whack, which I
> believe is causing first and reverse to engage simultaneously.  Looking at
> the cover with the shift extension off, everything appears normal.  My
> guess is that my reverse lever is bent ever so slightly or the reverse
> of the cover is off just enough to not allow the reverse gear to get out
> the way when first is selected.
> The gentleman I swapped covers with so that I could have properly working
> reverse lights is being kind enough to send back my old cover tomorrow.
> I'll compare the two lids and take some measurements.
> I think I'm just caught in a freak situation, here.  I certainly can't
> the car without the gearbox cover bolted on!  I just wish I knew how to
> rectify this problem, short of finding another Mk3 cover to try...
> Cheers (although I'm not feeling very cheerful at the moment)
> Jeff in San Diego

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