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Overdrive advice and SUs...

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Overdrive advice and SUs...
From: "Andy Warfield" <andyw@telus.net>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:02:09 -0800
Hey everybody,

    I have an early model Mk3 that's been on the road for a couple of
seasons and running fairly nicely.  I've mostly used it for around town
driving but have made the eight-hour highway run between Ottawa and London
(Ontario) a few times.

    My dilemma is that I am now at school in Vancouver, which according to
the online distance-finder is about 2205 miles away from my spit.  I've been
thinking about flying home this summer and driving the car out here.  My
only concern is that it has the smaller (1157cc I think) engine in it, and
with the four-speed tranny It revs pretty high on the highway.  I redid the
head on the engine last summer, so I'm not too worried about it... I'm just
wondering if it might be worth exploring some options, perhaps an overdrive
installation.  Does anybody have any experience with this, or any other
suggestions?  I figure that I can probably arrange to work on the car for
about two straight weeks before driving back here, and this sound like a
reasonable amount of time to do an installation.  Does anybody know if there
is a kit available, and how much it costs?  Or, like I said, are there other
(perhaps wiser) options?

    The other thing is that my SUs are getting a little stale.  The floats
stick, and the linkage is so loose that balancing the two sides is a comedy
of errors... I'm thinking that I'd like to try to find a set that is in
better condition?  I might even consider going the way of the Weber, but I
imagine that is a bit more on the pricy side...

    Anyhow, any advice on either of these points would be fantastic... Also,
does anyone happen to know of good triumph parts places around the Vancouver



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