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Non permanent fiberglass footwell repair

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Non permanent fiberglass footwell repair
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 10:49:58 -0800
Hello friends,

After spending the weekend in trial and error, I believe that my final
results resulted in a very strong, semi-permanent, repair for thin and
weakened footwells.


I discarded the "removeable" fiberglass insert concept in favor of a much
stronger alternative, yet it should not in anyway impede the removal of the
floorpans when I have them replaced in the not-too-distant future with OEM
style steel panels.

My reasons and prodedures have been documented along with various digital
pictures in case anyone else wants to take a crack at this -- or would just
like something else to read.  I've never worked with fiberglass before in my
life.  This weekend, I tried my hand at it twice.  Thanks to all who gave me
tips and advice for this project.  As usual, I couldn't have performed this
repair without the generous assistance of those who have been there before
me on this list.

Best wishes,

Jeff in San Diego

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