>>I also need a woodruff key for the generator shaft, but can't seem to find
>>anyone that sells them. Any thoughts? Is that thing even really necessary
>>to have on the generator shaft for reasons I have not yet discovered?
>>Best wishes,
>>Jeff in San Diego
While spending my decade at NAPA, we always had a case of the woodruff
keys. Definately take the generator with you to test sizes out with. And
while you're there, you might ask to have the fan and pulley put on for you
so you can test it on the test bench. Since you're going to all this work,
might as well know that the device is 100%. This is the time to find out
that you might have a generator on its way out. The test is free, so why not?
-Vegaman Dan
-66/69 Spitui!
| | Equinart Studios * Furry Artist * Model Railroader |
| Flinthoof |--------------------------------------------------------|
| 1999 |--------------------------------------------------------|
| | ConiFur NorthWest '99- Furries in Seattle! |
| |--------------------------------------------------------|
| CONIFUR NW | Flinters@picarefy.com * www.picarefy.com/~flinthoof |