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Re: s/u carb [leakage question] (fwd)

To: JammerRv8@aol.com
Subject: Re: s/u carb [leakage question] (fwd)
From: "Donald H. Locker" <dhl@mrdog.msl.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:10:00 -0500
Hi, Jeff.

The jet tube to the bowl fitting uses a nut that compresses a seal
(like an O-ring, but not quite) into the female part on the bowl.  The
first thing to do is to loosen the jet tube nut and remove the nut and
tube from the bowl.  If you are lucky, the O-rings will all come out
with the tube.  I've never been lucky, though.  (And note I said
O-rings -- the reason you have a leak, I suspect, is that there are
old O-rings left behind from a previous repair that never were
removed, preventing any new O-ring from finding a sealing surface.)
So, using a small crochet hook and flashlight, search and probe in the
bowl fitting for all O-rings and O-ring parts, clean the inside of the
fitting, and refit a new O-ring.  It should seal easily if the
surfaces are clean and the O-ring is good.

I can dig up a picture of the region and scan it for you if you need
more detail in form of picture.


Inside of float bowl
   |          _______|
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    ___  \_________ look here for extra bits of O-ring.   
   |   \o_____
___|         |

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