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Re: [spitfire-enthusiast] Re: engine #GK1261HESS

To: Bill Miller <millerb@netusa1.net>
Subject: Re: [spitfire-enthusiast] Re: engine #GK1261HESS
From: Toni Thorn <tthorn@comp.uark.edu>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 20:32:59 -0600 (CST)
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Bill Miller wrote:

> Harve,
> It is a "spare stock" engine, originally slated for a herald.  It could have
> been a dealer swap as my spit has a "spare stock" Toledo engine.

Hi Bill, and tks for taking the time to reply!  

How does this engine compare to your standard Spitfire engine?  Same

Any idea what this might be worth (brand new in the crate, a complete
engine - pistons, head, etc etc)?

I'm wondering if it might not be a good find to drop in the Spit$ or the
MkII that I *will* find!

Tks again


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