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RE: A Truiumph Christmas Decoration

To: <levilevi@home.com>
Subject: RE: A Truiumph Christmas Decoration
From: jack@cocoinc.com
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 08:37:14 -0500

Bud, I put a 3 of your pictures up on my page to show everyone this beauty,
like Fred Thomas said I would have to get a loan to buy lights for my cars
but I think that you've started something new, we should all follow you and
do the same. They have a Christmas Boat parade here in Ft Lauderdale and
they decorate the boats  like that (advantages of a warm climate) why not
show others what we are proud of.
Enjoy, the link is http://www.cocoinc.com/jack/cars.htm


-----Original Message-----
From: levilevi@home.com [mailto:levilevi@home.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 3:12 AM
To: jack@cocoinc.com
Subject: Re: A Truiumph Christmas Decoration


Here's some shots I took.  A little blurry on most and some real artsy
ones, but you can kinda get the idea of how the TR6 looks.  I guess I
should try the tripod.  People have been spreading the word about the
lighted car and I've noticed more traffic on my street.  One of my
daughters HS friends even told her at school that the car looked
cool...high praise from the younger generation.  My daughter's response,
"My father is psycho."

Happy Holidays

jack@cocoinc.com wrote:
> Ah come on, we need a picture of what that looks like, please!!??? With
> lights on off course.
> Jack Levy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-triumphs@autox.team.net
> [mailto:owner-triumphs@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of levilevi@home.com
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 2:25 AM
> To: Triumph List
> Subject: A Truiumph Christmas Decoration
> Who'd a thunk it?  The rust bucket TR6 as a thing of beauty.  OK, so it
> takes the darkness of night to make it happen, but at least it looks
> good 12 hours a day.  I'd seen all those wire reindeer and other
> assorted figures lit up in people's yards so I thought why the heck even
> a rust bucket Triumph could compete with that.  I strung lights up the
> bonnet (or where the bonnet would be if it had one), the doors, the
> boot, up the fenders (those rust holes make a great place for those
> plastic light holders), around the bumpers and  wheel wells and the top
> and at the bottom of the doors.  I put those chasing lights on all four
> wheels so there's some crazy spinning motions.
> Amusing to see people actually stop and look at the silly thing.  The
> old girl looks pretty good in the dark and it started right up (and
> idles darn smooth) so I could drive it to the end of the driveway.  Kind
> of a hoot giving the old Triumph a role in the Holidays and I only had
> to shovel a little snow to dig it out.
> Bud Rolofson
> P.S. I stole this idea from a junkyard here in Colorado.  When Brad
> Kahler and I were out looking for a TR3 tub we saw one at this junkyard
> but I swear they doubled the asking price on him because it was one of
> their "Christmas cars" that they decorated with Christmas lights and
> they just didn't want to lose it because it had such cool lines and
> looked so good with lights on it.  Brad let them keep it (I know that's
> a hard one to believe).

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