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Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship (UNSEEN?)

To: jonmac <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship (UNSEEN?)
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 11:30:31 -0700
Hey John!

For your information, we don't want them here in the desert either!!  :)


jonmac wrote:
> > I was not offended by your remarks, I just couldn't see
> how Fred's message
> >on friendship had any bearing on Francois's ability to
> write in English -
> >something that _he_ does extremely well.
> >>My dear  Mr Jones.
> >>  Jonmac was referring to a post we may not have seen .
> Hole in one! I was greatly tempted to forward that post so
> the whole list could see there is one among us who either
> enjoys a practical joke or if not, has a totally different
> side to his character that to date, has not come through on
> his posts.
> I greatly enjoyed Fred Thomas' post on Friendship and it
> triggered something I'd had in mind for some weeks. Namely,
> that we
> should actively encourage those who find English difficult
> to submit questions in their own language or whatever
> English they can muster. An individual or a group could then
> help to answer the query - as many have already done. I have
> had a number of favourable replies to that suggestion - with
> one exception. This was from someone who is so biased that
> it's clear he is totally intolerant of anyone who does not
> share his absolute, arrogant, narrow-minded and bigoted
> view. We have some in England like that as well, so this
> isn't new. All I would say (and you know who you are if you
> read this) is do the world a favour and stay in America -
> and for the sake of your countrymen and women, choose a
> desert. While co-existing with rattlesnakes and cacti, apply
> yourself to the classics and learn the structure, spelling
> and grammar that is the English language. This will
> hopefully later enable you to write and spell - a skill
> which so far as I could see is something that is totally
> lacking in you. It grieves me that in this respect you and I
> share a fairly common language - and also a love of the same
> make of car.
> Rant mode off
> Jonmac

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