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Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship (UNSEEN?)

To: dkveuro@flash.net, Triumphs List <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Fred Thomas' post on friendship (UNSEEN?)
From: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 20:14:23 -0600
Hello Don,

        Elizabeth, (Perp_l_exed in Comfort), is the person who wrote the 
I just happen to use my husband's mailing address - working on the theory
that what is his, is mine................

        I was not offended by your remarks, I just couldn't see how Fred's 
on friendship had any bearing on Francois's ability to write in English -
something that _he_ does extremely well.

        I am among the first to admit that my spoken French is not as accurate 
my written, and that I also understand the written language far better than
I do the spoken (Latin roots and all that).  I am happy to attempt to
answer questions, posed to me in French or any other language, I just may
not give an accurate enough answer.

        I am truly sorry if you found my comments 'deprecating', they were
certainly not meant to be so.  I have no high moral ground to stand on.

        I have a high regard for both Fred Thomas and John Macartney, and 
that they are both men of integrity.  If, in private e-mail, either one has
received offensive comments, I am sure that they are quite capable of
answering them.

        As for making you answer me, well, I'm not sorry about that, it is only
through communication that we can really understand each other - your
lawyer and mine at ten paces in the misty morning!!!!


At 07:51 PM 11/18/99 -0600, Don Kerr wrote:
>My dear  Mr Jones. 
>  Jonmac was referring to a post we may not have seen .
> Being deprecating does not put anyone on the high moral ground.
> The connection is,Albert, nobody is saying anything about offensive
>comments, intentioned or otherwise,
>this silence is that to which I refere.
>    I'm sure Jonmac read them with reasonable accuracy.It bothers me
>that this group has not posted to defuse the  situation.It would appear
>that the New York syndrome (my apologies to N.Y. merely an illustrative
>comment on an observed condition )is alive here.I am among the first to
>out my own and fellow Brit'  idiocincrasies..I enjoy interaction among 
>like minded people what ever their persuasion and do not think as
>proprietary any technical information I may have rested out of my day
>job for the benefit of others.
>One thing I have observed is that travel broadens the mind and one grows
>sympathetic to anthers view,
>however missguided,and passes on it in the event it is not dangerous,or
>Now look what you've made me do ! This diatribe has gone on long
>enough,excuse me people...
>I personally extend my deepest apologies to all and any who now and in
>the future may be offended by any 
>thing written herein.(Usual disclaimer, etc. see my lawyer.)
>Bye bye, lads an' lassies.
>P.S. Who is Elizebeth at the bottom of this post,and beggin' your
>pardon. how am I to read "Perpexed in Comfort"
>"umbely yours,  DK  (AKA,  Have-a-chat.)
>Albert F Jones wrote:
>> Hello List,
>>         Perhaps I am in error, I often am, but what has Fred's message
>> friendship to do with someone whose first language isn't English?  As
>>         I do not know to whom Jonmac is referring at the foot of his
message, but
>> I doubt very much if the gentlemany Mr. Fred Thomas would ever stoop to
>> such base statements, or expressisng sentiments which would purposely
>> offend his fellow man.
>>         I don't understand what DK wants his mind changed about, perhaps
he will
>> tell me.  This is not meant to be a 'clever' remark, I really don't see the
>> connection.
>> Elizabeth Jones
>> Perplexed in Comfort.
>> >>
>> >> Jonmac
>> >
>> >

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