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Burned - Burned on the net

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Burned - Burned on the net
From: Fred Griffiths <griffco@mail.cadvision.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 09:22:32 -0600
He listers,
        Isn't it always the way that we hit the SEND button one second 
too soon?

        I just spoke with Nick Durham's MOTHER about the motor that 
didn't get sent.  Now he's left it up to her to get it shipped.  However 
she assures me she's going to look after it this week.

        Therefore, PLEASE don't harrass the lady.  Nick's the little 
irresponsible b**** who's now left his mom to finish his business.  So 
please DO NOT email, phone or contact her.

        Now, if you meet Nick........ that's a different story!

Thanks in advance.
Fred & Wendy Griffiths
Calgary, Canada
mailto: griffco@cadvision.com

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