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Re: Interesting item on eBay web site item#175631420: Red '77 Triumph Sp

To: "Davies William-qswi646" <QSWI646@email.mot.com>,
Subject: Re: Interesting item on eBay web site item#175631420: Red '77 Triumph Spitfire electric conversion
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 22:42:42 -0400
Davies William-qswi646 stated:
> I recently followed a car with a dream-catcher hanging from the rear-view
> mirror! To the uninitiated, this is a pendant which hangs in the window
> the room IN WHICH YOU SLEEP as some form of protection (sorry, not too
> versed in superstitions myself!)
Not protection, but  pleasant dreams....don't follow too closely. When you
sleep and dream, they would be caught in the web of the dream catcher. The
good dreams would be held and brought through the beads at the bottom of
the dream catcher to be dreamed again. The bad dreams would be held in the
web and burned by the sunlight in the morning.

Keith Stewart

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