In your vick-brit catalog, is it one of the "Manifold Components" that
is sandwiched between two "Washer-Fiber" items and held in place by a
Banjo Bolt? In the catalog I have from them, (SG.28, 1999 Summer,
page 70) it has no number, indicating unavailability. I don't have a
GT6 cat from Rimmer Brothers, but they seem to have everything, or at
least a reference number that you can use to go searching.
Meanwhile, you might try to build an assembly of brass plumbing parts;
it looks to me like the component you seek is equivalent to a Tee
fitting, but with one arm bent. I don't know what thread the Banjo
Bolt might have, but it shouldn't be too hard to match.
One other question -- is this broken "valve" metal or plastic?
Good luck,