Check the diaphram on your ZenithStromberg Carb. Sounds like
it has a hole in it.
A hole means the vacuum chanmber that holds up the carb piston
doesn't form a vacuum, so the piston doesn't stay up. With the
piston down, there is only a minimal amount of air flowing, but
lots of fuel - rich, sputter.
On 8/13/99 6:13 PM Space Aliens made Winnie Olmer say...
>My '79 spit was running rich as evidenced by the black soot in the tailpipe
>and fuel odor. We were on a 45 minute drive each way.. and on the return
>trip we almost made it home when the engine started to sputter and slow
>down. Smoke was coming out the tailpipe with a heavy fuel odor. This morning
>I tried to start it before the tow truck arrived and had the same symptoms
>but without the fuel odor smoke.
>My worst fear is a blown head gasket. There is no evidence of water in the
>oil as far as looking at the dipstick. If it is an electrical problem then
>perhaps the fuel odor smoke when the engine was hot was simply clouds of
>non-combusted gas from the hot cylinders that weren't firing. I dont seem to
>have a coolant loss either. What about a carb problem?
>Since I have only recently begun to work on cars after a 25 year hiatus, I'm
>at a loss as to the order I should diagnose my problems or even where to
>start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!