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Re: Paint job

To: "Victor B. Michael" <vmichael@enteract.com>
Subject: Re: Paint job
From: Gary Tash <tashg@bmi.net>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 07:24:18 -0700
I agree with you on the mechanicals vs paint.  But, everytime I notice the
dings, dimples, etc., I have to physically restrain myself - usually that
consists of taking out the $2 - 3K estimate from the paint shop and reading
it carefully again.  The paint can be solved so quickly, the mechanicals
seem to take so long.  I just keep thinkng "drive, drive . . . ."

"Victor B. Michael" wrote:

> Thanks to all who had responded to my questions about the cost of a
> paint job.
> A lot of interesting and varying opinions and prices. ($300 - $3500)
> While contemplating the paint, it occurred to me that this stage, is in
> fact, a decision pivot point for my level of commitment to "restoring"
> this Spitfire. While my Spitfire is not in the best of shape (not bad,
> mind you) I'm not sure that a car valued at its highest, around $8000 is
> worth investing nearly one-half of that value in the paint.
> I would love to have a perfectly restored Spit, but it will serve me
> better and would make better use of my money in mechanicals, to enjoy
> the car as a driver and not to worry about the perfect paint job.  It
> has a bonnet problem, which is really an eye-sore and an embarrassment
> that I intend to fix soon, I think that's where I'll be drawing the
> line.
> Is this where the "men/women" (serious enthusiasts) get seperated from
> the "boys/girls" (not so serious)?
> Lil Boy Vic

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