--- Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net> wrote:
> John (et al),
> Seems to me that Graham has successfully stirred up
> a hornet's nest, as
> journalists are apt to do occasionally. The end
> result (I'm sure) will
> be increased readership of Triumph World for at
> least this issue. I
> personally am curious to see what he said that
> caused such a reaction.
> But maybe that was his intent. I'm sure the
> publisher will be laughing
> all the way to the bank.
> Regards,
> Joe Curry
Dear all,
Lets not forget that Graham Robson was the Triumph
Works Team Manager whose leadership ensured the
Spitfire's track successes. He is judged by many as
the finest historian of Standard Triumph. Where would
we be without those books!
I thought that jounalism and editorials were meant to
be thought provoking. I personally respect the editor
of Triumph World for producing such a high quality
magazine on the marque. Long may he continue.
Just my 0.02 UKP worth!
Phil Johnson
Club Triumph (UK) Spitfire/GT6 Secretary
66 Spitfire4 Mk2 FC73949
68 GT6 Mk1 KC13299
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