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Re: Engine Rattle

To: Mike.Hopkins@mis.magna-europa.com
Subject: Re: Engine Rattle
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 07:44:55 -0700
Sounds like pinging due to either timing being off, or too  low octane

Check the timing and if it is set correctly try using a better grade of

Joe Curry

Mike.Hopkins@mis.magna-europa.com wrote:
> Whilst having my usual enjoyable drive in to work today in my 1980 1500,
> (English Kent countryside, country lane, top down sun out, clear road, i.e.
> usual advertising dream) I noticed a slight rattle from the engine,
> (sounded like the top end) whilst traveling at slight load, i.e. going up
> an incline in 4th gear.
> Okay I could just be labouring the engine and could just be hypercritical
> because my spit has been running perfectly lately ( grab some wood quickly)
> Does anyone have any ideas.
> thanks in advance

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