> I stepped on my 72's original engine's accelerator! I seem to remember a
> slight change in the note, more of a moan, as if the whopping stock 47 BHP
> of my original engine was protesting what I wanted it to do, but a growl?.
I, too, have a '72 MK IV (FK26439L), which is probably the wimpiest-engined
I think this engine has 8:1 compression. What would have to be done to raise
the compression to 9:1? Would the head or the pistons (or both) have to be
My engine has flat-topped (original) pistons.
More generally, what would be the most sensible way to get this car up to
maybe 65 or 70 HP? Would it make more sense to work on the existing engine,
or to find a MK III engine (or 1500?) to swap into it?
Doug Braun
'72 Spit