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Re: dash motor 2 speed but 2 fans / Wood refinishing?

To: alfapete@pacbell.net, Spit-flyers <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: dash motor 2 speed but 2 fans / Wood refinishing?
From: Bob Sykes <stan.part@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 11:06:14 -0700
"Peter S." wrote:

> Spitphiles ( I like this name best so far),

How about Spitflyers... or would that be Spitfliers?  
Perhaps Spitphlyers? or...ummm....

> I have a 76 1500 Spit and don't understand the heater motor controls.  I'm
> sorting some dash wiring issues and am puzzled by the fan/heater wiring.
> Firstly, there are two motors? [snip]

There's only one motor.  Slow speed is accomplished by switching in a 
series resistor.

>  Are they
> only controlled by pulling out the left control lever which is also air
> direction control.

Yes.  At least on the later cars.

> Removing the center wood panel to get into the wiring was easy and has me
> thinking about refinishing the wood on all three panels.  Can the other
> panels be removed easily?  Just unscrew from the front?

Apart from disconnecting/removing instruments, there's a couple of 
"hidden" fasteners in the back.  Captive studs on the dash with nuts
behind the sheet metal support.  Not too difficult to find/remove.

> The wood clear coat
> is peeling rapidly and looks like it'd be easy to strip and refinish.
> Anybody done this?

I've no experience in this area yet.  There's a wealth of experience/
knowledge/opinions in the archives on this topic.  Try searching the
"Triumphs" list as well as "Spitfires".
> ------------------------------
> End of spitfires-digest V1 #188
> *******************************

Bob & '78 Spitfires
(one of them mine for 21 years)

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