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Re: Temptation

To: "Nick Moseley" <nmoseley@comsavings.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Temptation
From: jack@cocoinc.com
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:24:34 -0400
Nick, how do you find the time to work on these, unless they are basically
just sitting there? I have a 80 Spitfire, 70 GT6,  74 Spit would be racer,
76 TR6,  80 TR8, (2) 73 914s plus 1 parts car,  and a Spitfire race car on
the way, even if I worked everyday on these it would take me years to finish
all of them.  Sometimes I wish I could blink my eyes and make them go away,
and be left with one to work on,  ohh I forgot I wish I got my money back
too, specially for all the new parts sitting, quietly rusting, waiting for
me to put them in. I wish I could see the walls in my garage some day,  and
be able to walk from one end to the other without having to climb over
wheels, tires,  greasy boxes and headers.
By the way I still look at the classifieds every week,  but I won't buy
anymore cars, my wife would kill me, but then again that's what I said after
I bought the Gt6, and the TR8, and the last 914 ...

Jack Levy

----- Original Message -----
From: Nick Moseley <nmoseley@comsavings.com>
To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 6:16 PM
Subject: Temptation

>"Temptation, thy name is Triumph"
>O boy do I resemble that remark! (UK listers please note, North American
>joke, intentional use of resemble)
> I bought my first Spit (76) as an impulse buy 10 years ago. Before that, I
>had never been subject to impulse buying. I drove the car daily for 8.5
>years until the chassis rot made it unsafe. Not wanting to be without a
>Spit, another chassis and tub appeared in my yard, and all the parts were
>transferred over. Now it "just" needs welding on the drivers' floor and
>be quite serviceable. In the meantime, I saw an add for two Spits (78), one
>lacking engine and interior, for $1K.
>I just couldn't resist, and got them for $450.00.
>Then through a work contact I learned of a 79 with no body rust, and 80K
>kilometres (50K miles), bought that, and am running that daily now (that
>makes 4).
>Over the weekend I learned about someone who took one in trade, (year
>unknown, reputed to run) and instead of saying "gee, I've got too many now,
>I hope someone else buys it and fixes it up", for some reason I heard
>say "I'd like to have a look at it, please give them my number".  (Five,
>could possibly want 5? What for?)
>The only bright side to this affliction that is that after the (almost
>inevitable with so many cars in the back yard) divorce I'll still end up
>with at least one car.
>On another note, Joe Curry's comment about getting a parts car makes a lot
>of sense. Of my present 4, one is a parts car  and the rest are complete.
>Using the newly arrived Vicky Brit prices, in the short time I've had it,
>I've moved over $650.00 worth of parts to the daily driver. Considering I
>paid $450 for a complete one, with the parts car thrown in, thats good
>Nick Moseley
>Manager, Training and Development
>Community Savings Credit Union

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