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Re: Got It!!

To: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>,
Subject: Re: Got It!!
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 23:12:47 +0100
Congrats on the car, just put an overdrive in my car, and I would not be
without it!

If your overdrive is engadged and you revers you risk extensive damage to
the overdrive, so you can't realy put off getting to the cause of this

It'll be one of these:

Electrical fault, - you've already tested for this!

Sticking solonoid valve - remove and check

Residual pressure too high - probebly not this, because it would come on all
the time

Controll orifice blocked - Check and blow through with compressed wire, DONT

Sticking Relife Valve

Sticking or partialy blocked control valve

Internal damage

Anyway now you have the Spit, you need to get yourself the BL Spitfire 1500
Workshop manual you can get them from any of the big supply places.  If you
find you need some more basic instuctions get the Haynes manual.  I prefer
to get the Haynes technical books, carburetter brake and welding etc and use
the Workshop manual.  All the the info you need to fix the problem is in the


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