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RE: Found One!!

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Found One!!
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:54:52 +0100
I saw that!  It looked nice - I'd have said 4000 pounds was a fair price
for it.

What was really sad was that the guy sold it because he needed the money
to put into his Herald, which he races (rally).  He spent the 4K fixing
the Herald, then took it out racing, and trashed it.  So really, he just
threw his Spitfire away.  Personally, I have no plans to ever race my
Spitfire - I don't think I could handle the damage that it might suffer!
 I'll just enjoy hearing stories about other people's Triumphs thrashing

>From:  James Carpenter[SMTP:james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk]
>Sent:  26 June 1999 23:41
>To:    rbonilla; KHOCO@aol.com; mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com; spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject:       Re: Found One!!
>Any one in the UK who saw Deals on Wheels today (I did tell you last week)
>would have seen that chap sell a very good condition, but modified 1980
>Spitfire 1500.   He got 4000 pounds cash for it!  Which pleased me because I
>already have one, and it's a "investment".
>I'm glad I live in the UK where parts are dirt cheap compaired to the US.

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