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Re: Found One!!

To: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>,
Subject: Re: Found One!!
From: Huw Upshall <hupshall@wolfenet.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 23:00:55 -0700
This brings up a very good question, How much is a spitfire worth?  Ahh,
Well, I am almost finished with my restoration and should be able to drive
the sucker next week.  BUT, on my way to get some fastners, I drove by a
'74 spitfire that was for sale on the side of the road and of course, I had
to stop and look :).  Rust all around the windscreen, rust bubbles all
around on the body, bad corrosion where the break fluid had leaked out of
the master cylinder, very dirty engine compartment.  Top was torn in a few
places, interior seats definitely needed recovering.  Everything was there
but very well used.  The guy was asking $3800 and I laughed all the way
back to my car.  In my opinion, the blue book on LBC's is pretty much
becoming useless.  Either people restore them and they have way more money
invested in the car than they could possibly get out of it, OR, they owner
has a highly inflated idea of what a well used LBC is worth.

Comments? (as I duck)

At 09:33 AM 6/26/99 -0700, Mark Gardner wrote:
>Chris DeStaffany wrote:
>> How much?
>More than I wanted to pay...$3700 (down from $4500 asking).  When I
>started looking I was hoping to pay about 2.  But 15 cars later I
>realized that at least in Southern California I'd probably be waiting a
>long time to find a car I wanted at $2K.
>Mark Gardner
 Huw Upshall                      Email:       
                                        @home: hupshall@wolfenet.com
                                        @work: hupshall@microsoft.com
                                        @home: www.wolfenet.com/~hupshall

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