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Re: Got It!! (Overdrive advice and new terminology)

To: mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com, kstewart@wwdc.com
Subject: Re: Got It!! (Overdrive advice and new terminology)
From: Bob Sykes <stan.part@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:51:04 -0700
Mark writes (about his new Spit toy):

> > The overdrive worked great and engaged very quickly, but at one point in
> > the trip I flicked the switch to diengage the O/D, and it wouldn't.

Keith replies:

> You might check the level of fluit in the unit...
[...]                          ^^^^^

Bob (who is weak and just can't contain himself) adds:

Hmmmm... I love my spitfire, just flew it yesterday.  Not sure
what the level was though :-)  Move over Joe, I think you've got
company <g>.

Seriously, Keith's advice is good.  I second the recommendation to
change the transmission oil.  It's about as easy as checking the
level and there's no telling what's in there now. Problems with
OD not dis-engaging are often caused by a blocked orifice within
the OD.  The innards of these things must be void of all dirt
particles.  Read the service manual (you do have one right?)
section on OD love & care you'll find lot's of good info.

More seriously, until this condition is rectified ALWAYS make sure
the OD has dis-engaged before putting the car in reverse.  Nasty
things will happen if you don't.

Even more seriously, CONGRATULATIONS on your new car.  I hope it
brings you many miles of motoring pleasure.  Mine certainly have.

Bob & '78 Spitfires
(one of them mine for 21 years)

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