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Found One!!

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Found One!!
From: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:14:29 -0700
Spitsters (g):

After almost three months of searching, looking at cars from San Jose to
San Diego, I finally found one with an acceptable (for me) combination
of price, features, and condition.  I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. 
It's an early '79 or late '78 with the small bumpers and standup
radiator.  It has a hardtop (which everybody tells me I won't use - I
hope they're right) and overdrive.  It seems mostly untampered with and
well maintained (not restored, but probably refurbished).  Wish me
luck!  (And yes, Joe, I'll register it (g).)


Mark Gardner

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