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RE: Bad Service

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Bad Service
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 14:19:51 +0100
I think everyone has a different opinion of different places.  Often an
opinion can be based on one bad experience, whereas actually the
supplier (or whatever) is, on the whole, excellent.

I seem to remember a couple of threads about large suppliers which
seemed to go on and on and on, simply because some of the list had good
experiences and some had bad experiences, and everyone wanted to share
them.  Mike, although I agree with the sentiment, I think that if we
tried to do this the list would just get tied up with threads about a
paint shop in New York, or an engine shop in Birmingham, or .... you get
the idea.


>Sent:  22 June 1999 14:01
>To:    spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject:       Bad Service
>Over and over on the Spitfire/triumphs list you hear of bad service from
>one motor factor or another both over here in the UK and across the pond in
>the US where obviously the majority of listers are situated (as shown on
>rogues gallery). The lists obviously covers a fair bit of buying power, I
>suggest going for a name and shame approach, if you have had bad service
>tell the world who they are be they GM, a triumph supplier or local paint
>shop, lets face it if they are giving rubbish service to you they are going
>to give it to others and over the years I have become sick and tired of the
>poor service offered.
>By the way the same goes for those offering good service (name and praise,
>by the way), tell the world I would rather use a work shop recommended by
>someone who uses the same likewise service than stick a pin in the yellow

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