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Re: Triumph interchange goldmine in junk yards

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Triumph interchange goldmine in junk yards
From: nikolai jaremka <njaremka@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 04:23:48 -0700 (PDT)

YES!  i didn't mean anything by starting this, but i wanted to
understand what would make someone say something like that.  i
think my spit with it's 15" wheel handles quite all right, and
with the fat 175/70 tires i have one it, it takes enough effort
to turn the wheel already.  plus, i have that elusive original
triumph shield center cap that you can't get anywhere anymore
that make my original wheel that much more attractive (personal
opinion).  i like my car, and i think that everyone on this list
should read the lasst page of the latest(?) triumph world
magazine where it talks about modernizing our LBC's or keeping
them bone stock.  i agree that you should do with your car as
you see fit and not try to push your opinion about them on
everyone else.  it takes all the fun out of the hobby if you
have to do it the way someone else wants you to.  i'm having
more fun working on my car than i do somedays driving it.  and
that's important to.

alright, that's far enough...

--- wizardz <wizardz@toad.net> wrote:
> Hey All!
>    let's face it... who are we to second guess years
> of development. Over the years they themselves
> changed the wheel size for one reason or another.
> (My 75's is definitely larger than my 80's)
> ...anyway...
> Use what you like the looks of/feel of/$$ can grab...whatever.
> YOU have to tolerate the way it handles...it's your car!
> Have Fun!  ...after all, that's what you bought it for right!
> You could've picked a zillion different automobiles on the
> market today, but you picked a Spit for ...again...
> one of a zillion different reason.
> Life's too short to get so picky. If it feels good in you
> hands,
> catches your eye, go for it.
nikolai jaremka
72 spitfire mkIV
east aurora, new york

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