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RE: Competition manual online

To: "Ken Bertschy" <kentop@dakotacom.net>
Subject: RE: Competition manual online
From: "Bill Miller" <millerb@netusa1.net>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 20:35:15 -0500
And we thank you Ken!

-----Original Message-----

>Does this mean that you own the copyright to the manual or have received
>permission to republish the manual from the copyright owners???

Nope. I'm just an ignorant private citizen who posted the data online
because a few spit list people asked me to. If British Leyland objects,
I'll take the manual offline. But the book is out of print and there is no
way to get any more copies. Also, it's an arcane topic about a car that
stopped being made 20 years ago, and the info is out of date.  There's been
quite a few technological advancements made since this manual came out.  I
doubt that British Leyland cares one way or the other But it could be a
real help to spitfire fans, so, I posted it online.

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