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Re: Transmissions

To: "'Spit List'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Transmissions
From: Peter Cebalo <cebalo@NthShore.govt.nz>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:18:06 +1200
>> Hi Ted, James,
>> No Clutch adjustment ??
>> Technically, as you say there is no "clutch" adjustment. The position of
>> the slave is adjustable. This makes a difference to clutch operation.
>> After all, why did they put a pinch bolt there with an adjustment slot
>> on the slave cylinder ?
>> It has always worked for me. - move it right back and then try selecting
>> a gear.....
>> Surely someone else has found this ??
>> Peter
>> --
>yes, the location may be varied - good point.  what usually happens is
>someone tries to extend the rod. this only has the effect of pushing the
>p[iston deeper into the slave.  there is only X amount of travel in the
>piston per storke of the pedal.  you might gain a marginal improvement
>but the problem being described here is like being "slightly pregnant". 

I have found that this adjustment is enough to cause gear grind when
selecting reverse or if you have weak syncro in first. I expect syncro
on 2nd and 3rd would 'hide' the incorrect adjustment for a while......


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