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Re: Transmission

To: Growe58@aol.com
Subject: Re: Transmission
From: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 08:32:30 -0400
Growe58@aol.com wrote:
>  Have you ever seen anyone "dry shift" a manual gearbox without
> using the clutch?  They can do this because the engine speed perfectly matches
> the driveshaft speed and the gears cleanly mesh (oversimplification alert!).
> Obviously
> there is no way you can do this from a dead stop since the drive shaft speed
> is
> nothing and the engine speed is something, 

As an old aircooled VW enthusiast I have driven home several times after
losing the clutch cable by dry shifting.  (Actually I used to dry shift
those cars alot, come to think of it!)  At stop signs I'd just try to
crawl at idle in first, or if I *had* to stop I'd  just shut it off. 
When it was time to go again I'd just start it in first.  Works like a
charm, albeit a bit hard on the starter motor.


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