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Day 2 of the disc brake fun

To: "Spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Day 2 of the disc brake fun
From: "Triumph TR 7" <tr7@primenet.com>
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 18:43:06 -0500
Well, today was the day to do the right hand disc brake replacement. I was
hoping I was better skilled at removing that damned hub dust cap. Nope. It
was completely obliterated, and now it's all flower shaped. Couldn't find a
replacement at Big Wheel. Time to order from VB. Wish I could get my catalog
that I ordered.

Anyways, the disc replacement went well. I wedged a plank of wood to press
down on the brake pedal, and the wheels didn't turn whatsoever. So it looks
like it's a done deal and I can forget worry about the brakes for a long
time. Looking under the car, it looks like I have a long road of bodywork to
do. Bah. If I could only make a large deposit of money to me back a couple
years ago just to get rid of the dents. But that's why I applied for  a VISA
card yesterday. Fortuantely I have tomorrow off so I can flush out the whole
radiator system, fix the fise, and get the oil change complete. If things go
well, this car wil be legally on the road by next week.

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