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Re: mucked up soft windows

To: "Dave Terrick" <dterrick@pangea.ca>, <CarlSereda@aol.com>,
Subject: Re: mucked up soft windows
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 10:17:38 -0700
THe Novus is great stuff-I found out about it because it's what we used to
use at Rand McNally to clean the acrylic balls- we still use it on our
acrylic display cases. Makes 'em sparkle!

Laura G. and Nigel
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Terrick <dterrick@pangea.ca>
To: CarlSereda@aol.com <CarlSereda@aol.com>; triumphs@autox.team.net
<triumphs@autox.team.net>; spitfires@autox.team.net
Date: Friday, May 28, 1999 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: mucked up soft windows

> WRT (with respect to) cleaners, Novus #2 plastic polish has worked for me
>in the past quite well.  I have also dabbled with "Brasso" and others and
>find that the biggest key to success is to keep the window clean, never
>never even wipe dust off with your hand, always hose it off really well
>before applying a lot of soap and water with no more weight than that of
>wash mit (NOT a sponge - they hold dirt "inside") and use your polish -
>whatever it may be - before things get too bad.  That is,  maintain your
>windows just like you maintain the rest of the car. Often, with pleasure,
>without complaint at this idiosyncr,  uh, eidiosy,,  uh, Quirk!
>Dave T
>><<There was also a short thread (no pun intended) last year ....The thread
>>was on how the ammonia
>>reacts with the vinyl/plastic and clouds it. One individual even commented
>>on how cleaner with ammonia is banned from their computer lab after the
>>monitors clouded up. I'm not a chemist, but based on what happened to my
>>crystal clear new windows I won't use those cleaners anymore.
>>What about using that plastic polish that comes in three grades...anybody
>>have good luck with that on plastic windows?

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