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Re: Oil Filter Adapter.

To: Atwell Haines <carbuff@nac.net>
Subject: Re: Oil Filter Adapter.
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 08:33:28 -0700
I didn't tell you the part about running into town to find a "proper"
filter.  When I did, I found that all the parts stores were closed. 
That is when I looked at the other engine.  Actually, I could have also
looked at the one in the 1147 engine that is sitting in Tiny Tim at this


Atwell Haines wrote:
> Re oil filters and adapter fittings:
> The first time I changed the filter on my Spit, I had a similar situation.
> My problem was I didn't have a spare engine or car to swap!  (Boy Joe, you
> sure are lucky!)
> I raced down to the local autoparts store and matched up the old filter and
> fitting size.  I later took the improper filter back to the Britpart place
> where I bought it, and they exchanged it for a filter "kit" that had a
> different adapter.  So now I can use two different sizes of filters.
> Confused yet?  I was.   But all is well, I just saved the different
> adapters for use as needed...

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