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Re: Fine Idle Control Screw

To: LARRY ELSWICK <sos@kymtnnet.org>,
Subject: Re: Fine Idle Control Screw
From: Atwell Haines <carbuff@nac.net>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 07:11:32 -0400
At 09:31 PM 5/19/99 -0400, LARRY ELSWICK wrote:
>On my last trip I was fortunate enough
>to find a mechanic who adjusted the
>mixture on my 150 Stromberg  and got
>it what appears to be dead on. 

Good, don't touch it then!  Take note of your air filter condition too, as
the carb is sensitive to that.

Glad your rich condition was adjustable (see your post of the 14th).

> The idle
>seems rough at times. Is the fine idle
>control screw for making an adjustment
>to correct this problem? If so does
>anyone have any tips? Thanks!

With the plugs looking good, and having an intermittant problem, I would
hesitate to recommend touching that mixture screw.  Instead I would
recommend checking for air/vacuum leaks (the old spray test is a good one)
and looking for other things.   For example, is the vacuum retard diaphragm
working consistantly? How are those plugs, wires, and dizzy cap?  Is the
rough idle only when the engine RPMs are extra low?  Done a valve
adjustment/compression test recently?

Good luck,

Atwell Haines
'79 Spitfire  
"So what if it idles rough...it's running!"

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