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Re: Themes

To: "Ray Bryant" <photoray@flash.net>
Subject: Re: Themes
From: Kirk Crawford <kirk.crawford@beachnet.com>
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 08:24:09 -0700
At 9:51 PM -0700 5/18/99, Ray Bryant wrote:
>Why can't anyone create a screensaver for Macs.  I love Macs and Spits.
>They both are in a class by themselves.

I love Macs and Spits too.  I program Mac's and PC's for a living.  I
personally don't use a screensaver, but I do use system 8.5's desktop
pictures.  I also use DP AutoChanger to change the desktop picture randomly
from a folder of pictures every 15 minutes.  To keep this Spitfire related,
I have several spitfire pictures in my folder of desktop pictures.  You can
get DP Auto Changer here:

If you must use a screensaver on your mac, the most popular one is
AfterDark.  I think it probably comes with a module that allows you to use
a series of pictures as your screensaver.
You can get AfterDark at most software stores.
Kirk Crawford mailto:kirk.crawford@beachnet.com

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