>Has anyone put 14" wheels and 50 or 60 series tires on a Spit?
I haven't personally seen 14 inch wheels on a Spit, but over in England
they advertise for them, and a 14 or 15 inch set for a TR7 would fit the
hubs (although the offset may not be the same). I have however seen a Spit
with 15 inch wheels (yes fifteen inch, and I believe what must have been 50
series tires) and no mod's that I could detect to the arches or wheel
wells. This was at Trimphest last year. I currently run 205/60 13's on my
Spitfire, and other than a slight front wheel arch flare to clear and for
aesthetics, I have no problems. These are mounted on Pannasport wheels
with the correct offset. I have a set of American (I believe) slotted dish
mags (the old sixty style aluminum with five slots) that I would like to
get rid of but I suspect that the cost of shipping would make it not
Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net