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Re: Rubber Grommets for the wiring harness

To: Huw Upshall <hupshall@wolfenet.com>
Subject: Re: Rubber Grommets for the wiring harness
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 22:36:21 -0700

Huw Upshall wrote:
> The rubber has disintegrated into little bits and there is nothing
> left.....  Any other ideas?

Find the size grommet correct for the firewall (or other) hole and slit
it so you can get it around the wiring harness.  Trimming of the middle
might be in order for a good fit.  Then use the aforementioned mastick
to seal the slit and around the wires.

Grommets can be found in various sizes at hardware stores.  I have a few
old grommets laying around.  Some of them might be in good enough
condition for you to use.  You are welcome to any that you find useful. 
You just have to get to them before they are packed for the trip south.



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