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Re: Spitfire Cigarette Lighter

To: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <dougbert@rcn.com>,
Subject: Re: Spitfire Cigarette Lighter
From: Sam Gentry <hsgentry@cfw.com>
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 22:49:31 -0400
My 80 has a lighter, I think it is in the lower part of the right dash
panel (I think, it is packed away).  I also think it was factory.  I have
never seen a lighter in an earlier Spit that I thought was factory.
However, I have seen only a very few cars in the 76-79 range.

I mounted a lighter socket on the end of a cable and leave it in the right
glove box.  Available when I need it for the cell phone, but no holes
required.  I wired it directly to the battery (via fuse).  


At 03:33 AM 5/9/1999 -0500, Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou wrote:
>Does anyone have an original cigarette lighter on their Spit?
>I don't, and I would like to have a place to plug in my
>car phone charger.  I need to know where they
>mounted the thing, and which circuit it was wired into.
>Also, was it even a factory option, or just a dealer-installed accessory?
>This is for my '72.
>Doug Braun

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