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Re: Spit Diff Reassembly Question

To: BWN <bwnbcg@cruzio.com>
Subject: Re: Spit Diff Reassembly Question
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 08:40:40 -0700
Brian writes: 
< snip> 
>gears feel tight when counter rotating the output shafts.  This does not
>occur with the shafts original to the unit, nor on the damaged unit with
>these shafts.  Is this tightness anything to worry about?  
Nope, sounds to me like you got a relatively unused one or one recently
rebuilt.  This is normal for a new or properly rebuilt unit, I'm assuming
that your talking about the spider gear mesh, that is when you attempt to
turn the output shafts in opposite directions.  With a good unit you should
feel a little resistance and possibly even the "gear tooth notchiness".
With many miles and a lot of wear the clearance becomes excessive, and
results in an overall looseness, which also places more stress on the
pumpkin during sudden loading (like when you snap the clutch at start).
Look at it this way.  If you had to push something by applying pressure
with your hand against it at say a pressure of 30 pounds, and in the first
instance your hand is pressing directly against said object when you apply
30 lbs, and the second instance you have a gap of an inch that you have to
take up when you immediately apply the 30 pounds, which will hurt you the
most?  Granted this is an over simplification, but it should illustrate the
point -

Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net

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