At 07:46 AM 2/5/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Most of the major chains of discount auto parts have the all seeing and
>all knowing CPU.
>You don't have to know squatt about cars to work at these places, all
>you need to know is how to hit the keyboard.
>There is a comercial on TV from a major national chain talking about how
>the counter person knows everything about cars. I will admit that there
>might be one of those guys in each store but only ONE. The others are
>just clerks.
The almighty database of knowledge. And according to the computer, the
automobile wasn't invented until 1971...
>I have had poor to fair service from these stores by standing back and
>listening to the ciunter people talk, the go to the one that seems half
>way intelligent. For real parts people go to a NAPA or the oldest auto
>parts house in your town. Those folks Know what they are selling.
Well gee, thanks. I spent five years behind the counter at NAPA in
Auburn, WA. That chain may have higher prices since they don't run the
huge sales on oil filters and wiper blades that many shops do, but they
make up for it in knowledge that goes well beyond the computer. Each
person in the store has a specialty area they are known for. For me it was
automotive electrical systems and industrial applications of engines.
Forklifts, generators, off-road industrial stuff. It came naturally since
I also own a 1972 Fairmont. No, it's NOT made by Ford Motor Company. It's
a Fairmont... as in Fairmont Railway Motors. A nice railroad inspection
motorcar built in 1972 with the same twin-flywheel 4 cycle single cylinder
engine, complete with canvas wide belt drive to the rear axle. Definately
an odd application. But looking beyond what the parts books tell you is
what it takes. In my case, the points I use in the 'speeder' as they are
called, are also used in some motorcycle applications.
I've looked for Triumph parts before for folks. It's one of the
reasons I
was quite happy to find a car for sale so I could look for them myself as
well. Kinda wish I still worked there- the employee discount would be
handy right about now.
-Dan Canaan
-66 Spitfire Mk II
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