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SV: dash overlay

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: SV: dash overlay
From: J�rgen Klitholm <jk@benau.dk>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:12:56 +0100
My experience with the dash overlay is that it doesnt fit at all. After
getting frustrated with trying to make it fit, I threw the old one away
and used the overlay - only - instead. I glued foam to the inside to
make the distance correct, and trimmed the outside with leather. The
result is actually a lot neater than the original thing.

Jorgen (Denmark)
69 Spit6 mk3
55 TR2

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra:  nikolai jaremka [SMTP:njaremka@yahoo.com]
> Sendt:        22. januar 1999 13:41
> Til:  spitfires@autox.team.net
> Emne: dash overlay
> hello all!
> i just recently bought a dash overlay from rimmer brothers 
> and when i went to test the fit on my dash, i noticed that 
> it doesn't quite sit down flat on the dash.  it seems like 
> the front edge (the edge under the windshield) is bottoming 
> out and not allowing the coverlay to conform to the right 
> contour of the dash.  my question goes out to ask if anyone 
> else encountered this with a dash overlay that they've 
> installed.  did you have to trim it to make it fit better?  
> if so, how did you trim it?  is this just something that 
> i'll have to get over and leave it as it is?  when i install 
> the demister vents, it make the overlay bend and flex and 
> leave gaps under the vents.  it doesn't really look that 
> good.
> thans in advance for any replys.
> ==
> nikolai jaremka
> 72 spitfire mkIV
> east aurora, new york

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