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Re: Looks like I've been ripped off...

To: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
Subject: Re: Looks like I've been ripped off...
From: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 15:59:38 -0700
I guess it's bound to happen eventually. Still sucks though.
I'd say that your current message should be plenty of incentive
if he's still on the list. Give him a week to think about it.

Did you send your requests snail or email ? There's always
the remote possibility that he lost his net connection or the
email got eaten by who knows what electronic snafu.

If your certain that he's actually just ignoring you, I'd
post his name and email address (I'd say post his (snail) address
too because you can put any name on your email, and free
accounts are easy to get. But you might be on shaky legal ground there). 

Or maybe there's a couple of listers in his neighborhood 
who would like to go collect in person. ;-)

And all you slackers out there PAY JOE FOR THE STICKERS. Here's a
guy who does all kinds of neat stuff just for the halibut, 
and people don't even have the decency to send him a couple of bucks.

It only takes a couple of incidents like this to make
everyone paranoid, and then all of us loose.

John Suchak wrote:
> Fellow listers:
> I recently tried to help a fellow lister by *GIVING* him an extra soft
> top I had for his Spitfire, with the understanding that he would pay for
> shipping my top and frame to him, and would ship his old bare frame back
> to me as an exchange for mine...  This I did only for the good karma and
> nothing else.
> Well, here it is, over a month later and I've still not heard from him,
> no thank you, no money to cover the fifty bucks I laid out to ship the
> damned thing to friggin canada, no exchange frame.  I know that the top
> was delivered (confirmed by the shipper) and I have sent the individual
> a couple of messages asking him to meet his obligations...
> So what's the protocol here?  Do I name the bastard in hope of sparing
> another lister the displeasure of dealing with this schmuck?  I have
> done several transactions with others on the list and have never had any
> problem before, so I'm sort of at a loss..
> Thanks,
> John
> PS...  If you're out there lurking ANDY (no, not Mace) it's not too late
> to contact me to make arrangements to meet your commitment...

Reed Mideke                                        rmideke@interbase.com

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