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RE: Looks like I've been ripped off...

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Looks like I've been ripped off...
From: "Mostrom, Paul" <Mostrom.Paul@principal.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 17:42:38 -0500
No, I think that we all should rant a good deal about this!  Dealing
with companies over the 'net can be a little scary, but dealing with
people takes more than trust.  When someone burns a lister, it causes
all of us to loose something. Considering you can't buy parts for a Spit
at your local auto parts store, we need to help each other. 

my 2 cents worth...
Paul M.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Milotay [mailto:mark.milotay@onthemark.bc.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 4:55 PM
To: triumphs@autox.team.net; spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Looks like I've been ripped off... 

Good luck John, I hope that the lister will behave in an honourable
and pay you back. This is the big problem with selling things over the
'Net, especially cross border. The shipping charges to send something
is so horrendous from Can to the US that no one is willing to bear the
cost. So far (touch wood) I've been lucky, but I always have the fear
I send things off. I just 'sold' a set of sails to a fellow in the
and I am sure that I will get paid, but I am still a little bit nervous.
always thought that the fear existing on both sides would keep people
honest, but I had forgotten about those who are willing to say they are
sending you a cheque and  merrily accept the goods you send them without
ever paying for them. I guess that I should stop my little rant.



At 04:51 PM 06/10/98 -0400, John Suchak wrote:
>Fellow listers:
>I recently tried to help a fellow lister by *GIVING* him an extra soft
>top I had for his Spitfire, with the understanding that he would pay
>shipping my top and frame to him, and would ship his old bare frame
>to me as an exchange for mine...  This I did only for the good karma
>nothing else.
>Well, here it is, over a month later and I've still not heard from him,
>no thank you, no money to cover the fifty bucks I laid out to ship the
>damned thing to friggin canada, no exchange frame.  I know that the top
>was delivered (confirmed by the shipper) and I have sent the individual
>a couple of messages asking him to meet his obligations...   
>So what's the protocol here?  Do I name the bastard in hope of sparing
>another lister the displeasure of dealing with this schmuck?  I have
>done several transactions with others on the list and have never had
>problem before, so I'm sort of at a loss..
>PS...  If you're out there lurking ANDY (no, not Mace) it's not too
>to contact me to make arrangements to meet your commitment...

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