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Re: Dan Masters rescue fund

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Dan Masters rescue fund
From: tomomalley@hey.net (Tom O'Malley)
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 01:50:02 GMT
Dan writes...

>Tom, and fellow listers,
>I am deeply touched by the good will of this group, and most appreciative of
>your offers of help. I am proud to be part of this team.
>However, Leon has offered to defray the cost of repairs, so your most geneous
>offerings will not be necessary.
>Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your concern and offers of help.
>PS: I hope I didn't leave the impression that I blamed Leon for the failures.
>It was just unfortunate that they all occurred while he had the car.

You never gave that impression Dan and I hope I didn't either.  This
is a long journey for ANY car and ANY driver and mishaps *will* occur.
Remind me to tell you sometime about the 50 pumpkins that came rolling
down the entrance ramp in Manassas Virginia....while I was going UP
the ramp in my '67 Vette! :-)

Listers...thanks for your replies to my previous posting.  As you can
see here my timing was a bit off and I'll reply to each of you
personally off list.

Tom O'Malley in Southbridge Massachusetts
'74, '77 Spits

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