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Re: Free copy of Grassroots Motorsports

To: GRMTim@aol.com
Subject: Re: Free copy of Grassroots Motorsports
From: "Charlie B." <cb1500@erols.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 16:06:16 -0400
Uh, Tim,

Why would you want to recover ;)

Long time subscriber, and lovin' it,
Charlie B.

> My name is Tim Suddard and I am a Spitfire-aholic. I am also a new subscriber
> to your help group. I am currently in remission as I have only three Spitfires
> (check with me as this count chnages often).
> My primary obsession is the completion of my 1978 Spitfire with Mazda rotary
> power. As I am the publisher of Grassroots Motorsports, a magazine about wacky
> car stuff, we are writing about this project every month. If any of you have
> not seen our publication and would like our latest issue for free you can e-
> mail me with your postal address and we will send you the next issue when it
> comes out.
> Thank you, and I hope this nice group of normal people can help me recover
> from the insanity that is Spitfire lust.

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